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The Singapore Structural Steel Society (SSSS) strives to pursue the Society’s vision for the industry to adopt the use of structural steel in the built environment sector. With the assistance of the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) in driving productivity through the use of structural steel construction, SSSS prepared this guide book in order to raise the capability of the industry through the use of standardised buildable connections. It is envisaged that the use of this guide book by design consultants will align with connection details commonly adopted by steel fabricators in their fabrication and erection procedures. Thus, this will also reduce disruption arising from abortive work due to design changes and the time taken to further develop the steel connection details can be minimised.

It is hoped that the guide book will serve a de facto standard for designers to adopt buildable connections in their works as detailed calculations of the various connections are provided for reference. The 700 pages guidebook covers 39 connections that comprises connections for beam to beam/column, base plate, hollow steel connections, bracing, purlin, non-standards, good practices etc.

To download, the guidebook, please click here.